Article submission process

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This page describes the process that the Reconstruction editors follow when managing submitted articles. If you require more information please do not hesitate to contact the managing editor or the submissions editor.

  1. Authors submit their article to the issue editors. Authors meet the following guidelines:
    • The article should be in .docx or similar format. If authors write in other text editors, they can save as to convert to .docx or similar. (Open office and google docs both allow for saving as .doc format.)
      *If the author wishes to provide specific formatting requests, she or he must request them from the special issue editor. If the article is approved, the author may submit her or his article using PDF format for the purpose of retaining special formatting.
    • The article should NOT include bio, but may include abstract and keywords. The author should include a bio and/or personal information in the body of the email, but not in the body of the essay.
    • Authors may use a descriptive file name of their choice.
  2. Recon editors either accept the article as is, with suggested changes, or reject with suggestions where authors may publish elsewhere, or reject the article outright.
  3. Recon editors send an acceptance email along with the Preparing Accepted Articles for Online Publication page to authors of accepted articles.
  4. After receiving an acceptance email and reviewing Preparing Accepted Articles for Online Publication page, authors complete suggested changes, then prepare their articles for publication.
  5. Authors send their final articles to issue editor and managing editor.
  6. Issue editor or managing editor collects final articles then sends them to technical editors.
  7. Technical editors review articles for correct style application. If article does not meet style requirements, technical editor sends the article back to author to update.
  8. Technical editors collect articles from all authors.
  9. Technical editors build new Reconstruction issue, which includes:
    • Confirming correct style is applied
    • Creating table of contents
    • Collecting author bios
    • Building article files
    • Confirming author-supplied URLs.
    • Collecting media
  10. Technical editors create a test issue for editors and authors to review.
  11. Technical editors notify managing editors that the test issue is ready for review.
  12. Technical editors add author and managing editor change requests.
  13. Technical editors move issue to live area and update links to officially publish the issue

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