Article Submission Requirements
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If you require more information please do not hesitate to contact the managing editor or the submissions editor.
Submitting authors must:
- Prepare manuscripts following the Modern Language Association style guide, or American Psychological Association, with endnotes (short form), and a bibliography. You can find an MLA style guide here and an APA style guide here.
- Indicate which style guide you're using on page 1 of the manuscript.
- Include 250-300 word abstract on page 1 of the manuscript.*
- Include a one paragraph biography (50-100 word) on page 1 of the manuscript, and indicate your preferred email address.**
- Include a statement in the article acknowledging that the author(s) of the piece authorize its review for publication in Reconstruction, and that it is currently not under review elsewhere or has previously been published in whole or in part (although exceptions can be made in the case of the latter).
- Include three keywords selected from the following list (this allows the editors to properly match reviewers to your manuscript):
Age Studies; Anthropology; Art History; Communication; Culture Studies; Ecocriticism; Education; Ethics; Ethnography; Feminism; Gender, Sex & Sexuality; Geography; Globalization, Transnationalism & Postnationalism; History (may specify region or period); Industrialism & Development; Linguistics & Semiotics; Literature; Media; Marxism; Modernism/Postmodernism; Museums & Archives; Music; Peace Studies; Philosophy; Place & Space; Political Science; Postcolonialism; Poststructuralism; Psychoanalysis; Queer Theory; Race & Ethnicity; Religion; Rhetoric; Science & Technology; Sociology; Television & Film; Theater & Performing Arts; Urban Studies; Visual Culture. - Abstain from using all special formatting besides bold and italicized text.
- Submit the file only in .rtf, .doc, or docx format. If your piece uses special formatting for the purpose of calling out critical inquiry, contact the issue editor.
- Use your last name in the file name. If two or more authors author a piece, they use both last names in the filename. If an author or authors submit more than one article, she or he append the a number in the file name differentiate between each article.
*If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author can update the abstract during the issue release window.
**If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author can update her or his biographical statement.
If any of these submission guidelines are not met, submissions will be returned. If you require more information please do not hesitate to contact the managing editor or the submissions editor.
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