Reconstruction 5.1 (Winter 2005)

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Camelia Elias holds a PhD in English from University of Southern Denmark - Odense. She was a visiting scholar at Columbia University, French Dept. (2000, 2001), and a postdoctoral researcher at Center for Comparative Studies, Lisbon U (2003). Currently she is lecturer in English at Aalborg University. Her field is literary theory, esp. generic aspects of literary concepts. She has written a book on the fragment and other publications have appared in journals of literary theory, philosophy, art history and theology. For more info, consult my website:

Jake Kennedy is a PhD Candidate in English Literature at McMaster University, Canada. His dissertation concerns Marcel Duchamp and literary modernism. Some of his critical work has previously appeared in Tout-Fait: the Marcel Duchamp Studies Journal, Essays on Canadian Writing, and Film-Philosophy.

Anthony Lambert lectures in the Department of Critical and Cultural Studies at Macquarie University, Sydney, where he is the convenor of postgraduate studies. Anthony completed his PhD at Murdoch University in 2002. He has published in journals such as Interpretations, Balayi, YGCL and Metro. Forthcoming publications include an article in Postcolonial Text and a chapter in the book Gendered Outcasts. He is currently co-editing an issue of SCAN: Online Journal of Media and Culture. His research and teaching interests include identity and space, Australian film and culture.

Phil Leonard is a lecturer in English at Nottingham Trent University, UK, where he teaches literary and cultural theory, and contemporary British and US fiction. His Between Poststructuralism and Postcolonial Theory: A New Cosmopolitanism will be published by Palgrave in 2005, and he is currently writing a book on narrative, transnationalism, and technology.

Simone Roberts received her doctorate from the University of Texas at Dallas School of Arts and Humanities in 2002 for Studies in Literature and History of Ideas. The larger project of which this article is the theoretical frame is a revision of the canon to locate poets and poetics that contribute to an aesthetic supportive of a culture of difference. Her work, critical and creative, has appeared in Rhizomes, Common Knowledge, Enculturation, FEM/SPEC, The Licking River Review, Sojourn, Trans/forms, Venue, and a few other journals. She is currently an assistant editor for the humanities journal Common Knowledge, and instructor of General Education in Composition and Literary Studies at the Art Institute of Dallas. Dr. Roberts has held posts as a visiting professor of Gender Studies and of Creative Writing at the University of Texas at Dallas and is a participating board member of the literary organization, WordSpace. Shamelessness: She's for hire: just get in touch. E-mail Address: .

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