Reconstruction 8.2 (2008)
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Davin Heckman is an Assistant Professor of English at Siena Heights University in Adrian, Michigan. He is the author of A Small World: Smart Houses and the Dream of the Perfect Day (Duke University Press, 2008) and a founding editor of Reconstruction. His home on the web is <> and he can be reached via email at <>. [introduction]
Sean Chadwell currently serves as the chair of the Department of Language and Literature at Texas A&M International University. His recent research interests include the role of authenticity in popular film, music, and literature and the work of contemporary American novelists Steve Erickson and Kathryn Davis. [article]
Laurie Cubbison is an associate professor of English and Director of Writing at Radford University. Her academic interests span literary and rhetoric/composition theory, and she has a particular interest in Fan Studies. [article]
Joanne Knowles is a senior lecturer in the School of Media Critical and Creative Arts at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Her research focuses on contemporary popular fiction and culture; she has published a book on Nick Hornby's High Fidelity (Continuum, 2002) and will shortly be publishing a book on chick-lit with Liverpool University Press (2009). [article]
Christian L. Pyle teaches English at Bluegrass Community and Technical College. He has contributed to the books The Robert Frost Encyclopedia (Greenwood Press, 2001) and The St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture (St. James Press, 1999) and the journals Postscript: A Journal of Graduate Criticism and Theory, Paradigms: Theological Trends of the Future, Postmodern Culture: An Electronic Journal of Interdisciplinary Criticism, and Review of Communication. [review]
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