Reconstruction 10.4 (2010)

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Poetry / Amanda Tai



Dear Arturo candled your imbalance, blaming androgynous origins for your appetite. Those willing women, you ate them inches at a time without dessert and no matter how many lips, you could not grow a tongue. Oh your missing parts might turn up in the mirrors you make of lunch. Those red lips reflect coffee, Kabbalah, and eyes, echoing in both directions. Blood is only red when you slice it, but I’ll lend you my instruments.


Unearthed shadows chase you to a grave. We feel teeming fish beneath the desert, under sand soil fossils. Or maybe it’s the factory downstairs. Fingertips spread to catch reign, only catching rain. So we make an offer to the snakes because my venom is stronger than the copperheads at your heels. Do you feel guilt for the diaspora as we send them to the straits and formally named peninsulas? No not much.


We conquer death through footprints, sculpting words, scratching new arrangements of letters onto canvas. The act of naming, forming, changing landscapes - the formula of awareness transfer. Our progress is measured in movement over seconds. Fueled by consumption and destruction. Defined by our ability to reassemble what we consume and reinvent what we have destroyed. Measured by the distance; the miles of our conquest or the amount of space ideas construct. We are alchemists with spells for immortality.

an attempt at a bio that turned into a not.

Is a dark web of a thing with callous feet from walking in a mansion polished twice over with shoe shine. Wonder what a wear smooth surfaces can. Is a brown haired case who got taller in. That house with moving furniture and blinking guests. Is calculating spiders. Storing spiders in a piggy bank for quick exit. A toe, a torso, an eyelash exit through the window when the porch lights. Never jump, number syllables, and nonchalant curfew. The floorboards swallow patterns, so pick your melody en pointe, avoid chords. Is a chest of drawers. Is a forged excused absence in west hall files. Is a quick. Is a mouth. Is a.

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