Reconstruction Vol. 10, No. 4, 2010

Created by a Seattle street artist and purchased by Janelle Dy

Editors’ Introduction: What is Outsider Criticism?


Evolution, Popular Culture, and the Nature of Scientific Knowledge, by James Clinton

Whose America is This, Anyway?: Class, Identity, and the Critical Voice in Cultural Texts, by Mike S. Dubose

Urban Passion by Barie Fez-Barringten

Defining 'In between definition': Jamal Mahjoub and Modern African Literature, by Chimdi Maduagwu

War Reporting

The Art of War Reporting: Theorising Contemporary Embedded Journalism as Public Discourse, by Jay Reid and Rob Cover

The Outside of the Document: On et al and the maintenance of social solidarity, by Baylee Brits

Trauermarsch: German history as remembered by the Extreme Right, by Emily Turner-Graham

Kitchen Debates

The Migrant Homemaker: Historicizing Gender between Nations in Yamina Benguigui’s Inch’Allah dimanche, by Olivia Donaldson

Making over Myth: The Rhetorical Use of the Puritan Conversion Narrative in Kitchen Nightmares, by Joseph Bowling

Me and Betty Crocker, or, from WASPy White to Mestiza: 75 Years of General Mills, by Linda Heidenreich


Regarding You: Lacanian Gaze and Ethics in Kiarostami’s Close-up, by Farhang Erfani

Honneth and the Struggles for Moral Redemption

Rectification of Human Names": E.P. Thompson and Contemporary Debates on Historical and Epistemological Discourse, by Manuel Yang


Irresolute Intermediaries: Television, Memory, and Weird Frontiers, by David Lewkowich, Ph.D. candidate

Narratives of African American Female Preachers in the 21st Century, by Cécile Coquet-Mokoko, Ph.D

Hauntology and the New Poetics of Magick, by Alan Clinton

Poems, by Amanda Tai


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